4 de julio de 2007

In love

and i know that people can change,
people can evolve,
but hey, i'm just in love,
in love with the fact that you'll never know
you will never care
about the things that i want
and the dreams that i hold
for myself

and i know that people just move on,
people just grow,
but hey, i'm just in love,
in love with the fact that you'll never show
you will never say
the words i want to hear
and do the things you should
for me

at all

so go, just leave
just fade away
'cause i have got a life to live
and you keep pushing me back
to the start

one more time

and i know that you'll just fly
you'll disappear from my life
just as quick as you stepped in
but hey, i'm just in love
in love with the fact that you won't stay
you'll walk away
as easy as you came

once and for all

4 comentarios:

Malena dijo...

Ay qué lindo

Kramer dijo...

muy lindo, aunque el aleman no es mi fuerte (ese que no sabia nada de ingles XD)

jaja Saludos!

Anónimo dijo...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . Um abraço.

Germán dijo...

Bueno, muy bueno. Podría escribir una crítica de por qué, pero es rebuscado. En realidad, decir que podría escribir una crítica de por qué, ya es rebuscado.